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coconut oil for lichen sclerosus

Healing Lichen Sclerosus Naturally : Cloverleaf Farm
Healing Lichen Sclerosus Naturally : Cloverleaf Farm
We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article. A woman reveals what it is to suffer from sclerosus liquen Spicy skin disease affects the genital area. Here's Isabel's story... "The doctor at my local GUM clinic examined me there and immediately said he had lichen sclerosus. I had no idea what it was and why he had it," says Isabel, a sufferer of this genital condition, who was operated in the affected area yesterday. When she was 48, Isabel entered the . At that time, she was leading a super-appropriate and healthy lifestyle, but she did suffer from a , which is relatively common in menopause older women. Isabel had an operation to rectify the prolapse that went well. But a year and a half after the operation began their problems. "It started with a very bad itching in my vaginal area," he says. "It was so bad that I would wake up scratching at night. I thought it was a common fight, so I applied the usual cream and didn't think much about it. But the itching continued. " "One day I found blood on my panties. My first response was that of joy, as I thought my periods had returned after a long time, that I was happy. But then I realized that the blood was caused by me to scratch so much." "Things just didn't feel right, so I took a mirror and I looked down there and I was devastated by what I saw. The architectural structure of my vagina had completely changed. The top of my lips had sealed. I couldn't see my clitoris anymore, and my lips had been reduced in size by half. It was almost like my vagina was being reabsorbed by my own body. There were also white spots everywhere. " "I had no idea what had happened to me and I was completely frightened. I booked directly to the local GU clinic. The doctor there was amazing, examined me and immediately said he was a lichen sclera. I was told to apply this super strong steroid cream for a month, which was really painful as it removed your skin. I hated to use something so strong in such a sensitive area, but I did cure the itching, even though I did not unlearn my lips. "What is the sclerosus lichen?"Line sclerosus occurs more commonly in Menopausian-aged women (but men can also suffer from it). There are also a growing number of cases among prepubescent girls. Lichen scleroso predominantly affects the genital area, symptoms include more thinning itching and reduction of the genital area. The cause of the sclerosus lichen is still unknown as more research needs to be done in this. To date, a number of possible cases have been proposed. Lichen scleroso may be triggered by a change in hormones (whether during puberty or during menopause), or by trauma in the area (in the case of Isabel this could have been her previous prolapse operation). It has also been proposed that sclerosus lichen is an autoimmune disease or that could be a bacterial or viral infection. Another theory is that people who do a lot of cycling are more susceptible to it. A possible risk factor to contract lichen sclerosus is its genetic disposition, as higher cases have been reported among family members. When Isabel first heard that she had the condition, she had no idea what it was. "So I started looking online and found many forums, but the information about what causes it and what you can do about it was confusing. I continued to come through this theory that it claims that it could have something to do with the amount of chemicals that enter our body in one way or another, either through the skin of fruits and vegetables, or through deodorants and other beauty products." "I thought it was worth trying to make a total detox, so I threw all my beauty products and bought only the unfocused organics. I also bought organic olive oil and coconut oil that now applies to the affected area daily. This has definitely helped as it keeps the area wet, but this daily routine is quite inconvenient. When I'm going to travel for example, I have to take the oil in small containers to go through customs. I can't do my spin class either, because that kind of exercise aggravates the area. I also need to try to avoid having too much in my life, as stress is another factor that makes the condition worse. Another complication is that even if you can have sex, it's not as satisfying as it used to be. " "I actually had an outpatient operation yesterday so the lips wouldn't close. I was operated under general anesthesia while doctors removed the sealed area. Now I have to do my best to prevent the area from getting healed again. I have to apply the steroid cream again and keep the area wet at all times. Unfortunately, I don't think my clitoris has made a reopening yet. The doctor said he's there, but he's very flat, I'm very disappointed with that and I hope he'll show up soon." "Having sclerosus lichen is in my mind every day. When I found out I had it, I was totally devastated. I became something like that and I couldn't talk about it with anyone. Of course I told my friends and they felt sorry for me, but they didn't understand. I felt quite resentful for some time and wondered why this had happened to me." "What I would like to emphasize to someone out there is that if you have any itching down there that goes beyond a few days, don't leave it. Keep checking, keep looking, you know what looks normal, so keep looking before it gets abnormal. Women don't look there because it's not so obvious to us compared to men, but you really have to keep checking. Don't presume it's a brush. If I had caught this long before, I could be fine now." For more information and support about Lichen Sclerosus, please go to and to the .

Try our Symptom Checker Test our Symptom Checker Update patients Pro NATURAL REMEDY STARTS WORKING WITH A DAY DATE DATE Edited 4 days ago, 62 users are following. Hi to all those suffering from LS, I'm 63 and it's served me so much that my life was a living hell, I was a competent rider and a very active person everything that changed. I've had LS for about 10 years and came to the stage where I ended up with multiple ulcers six or seven at the same time it never would go because as some were healing new ones appeared and it was a never-ending cycle, then I was hospitalized for three days as I was 11 ulcers at a time and I couldn't urinate as the pain was so irritating that I had tasted everything, nothing then I worked even if it was enough. None of the cortisone creams or steroids were helping at all in fact I think they were getting worse. From pure desperation, I threw it all out and started applying olive oil to the LS only the cheap olive oil from the smooth brand it had in the pantry. Within three days the ulcers began to heal, but the best thing was that they were finally appearing, and the burning and itching was also disappearing, and the only thing they were using was olive oil. Within two weeks he had absolutely no spike or burn and NO more ulcers, the skin he had suffered from the LS was now soft again. That was eight months ago. Now I enjoy a normal pain-free sex life again the skin is stretched without burning or tearing (only using a lot of lubricant) and I had an excessive amount of white patches that has now disappeared mostly thanks to olive oil. My gin was surprised at the improvement, there is no swelling, there is no dryness, NO swelling and almost all white patches have disappeared even healing and injuries have healed completely, he was so impressed that he has documented my success and is monitoring my continuous improvement that even now has begun several other patients in the same treatment that were having few or no positive results on steroids and cortisone creams. Ok this is all that I have a cup of olive oil that I go on the toilet and when I go to the toilet I patea the dry area, liberally apply the olive oil around and between my lips lips lips, clitoris and up inside my vagina as much as possible pack everything in the oil then gently patear with toilet paper the dry ALMOST area but leave the area still humid. That's all, that's all I don't do anymore, I have a small container that's full of oil and pop in my bag if I'm going out for the day. I use the oil every time I go to the bathroom. You will notice a different improvement within about three days and 100% Within a couple of weeks. Good luck to all who try this I hope it works for you as well as it has worked for me, now I ride my horses every day and I can be tight jeans without any problem at all that was something of the past. It is natural that it is cheap and each of us has olive oil in our pantry. like23 I like, 181 replies181 Answers Published 3 years ago Thank you so much for sharing that information that I will definitely give olive oil a chance. All this is quite new to me first I noticed some burning itching and tearing the skin down my lips. When I was cleaned, there was always blood. This day I was very irritated and I couldn't stand my clothes against the vulva, so I took the mirror to check it out and I noticed it was black and at that time I got scared and called my GYN. She told me about the steroid cream I'm using yet I have some itchiness black purple discoloration had improved. My problem now is that the skin has grown completely over the vulva and when I try to throw away or remove that skin that is torn apart. Burns begin and become very painful and inconvenient. It is normal that this LS disorder has a growth of the skin completely over that little man in the lol of lancha. This is very worrying that I can't have sex my area has gotten so tight that nothing will allow Passage. I went to look for my last piece of pap and the doctor used the smallest instrument she had and it destroyed my skin. Published 3 years ago I hope this helps Barb. Published 3 years ago Try olive oil just make sure to spray the area first with a little water to get rid of any urine before slapping in olive oil! Published 3 years ago Thank you, Guppy007. I've never been very interested in dilators, but I guess I might have to find a toy since I don't have any man to keep that thing working. I really appreciate all the information, but it's still going back to my question I'm worried that the skin has grown on the clitoris and it seems odd that it doesn't protrude and I don't know if that's something that can cause especially now that it's already turned black purplish into a point. Published 3 years ago Trish, if you're worried that you have to go and let your LS doctor see it. I've read some women have problems like that. It does not cause cancer, but it is possible to have an infection under it. I'd try the steroid cream and see what happens. If you see a healthy color and are not hurting then you may have permanent fusion there... I don't know. I think the area of clitoris is an area where you really need to apply the Clob steroid cream. I suffered from pain/soreness, etc. in my clitoris and used the Clob twice a day for a week before it was. Have you looked at the 'experiment with the thread of borax'... I wonder if someone has had good results of spraying their clitoris with a mix of borax... hopefully someone else could come in. Published 16 months ago Trish - sounds like the hood of your clitoris could be merged with clitoris. It happened to me - and what I've read in the forums of LS I'm on Facebook - and here - is something common. . The soak in a bathtub with Borax seems to help a little decomposition. I've read a lot of success stories. I'm not consistent with soaking in Borax, so mine's still fused. I'll talk to my doctor about that next week... I want you not to use it and be normal again! The bad is - even if it breaks down - it can merge again... I think you have to keep using Clobetasol to make sure it doesn't. I just read that you said it turned purplish/black. You might want to talk to your doctor about that... I'm not sure about color change. Published 16 months ago Black? That can't be normal. Is there bleeding under the skin? Have you ever seen your gyn really this or are you calling in a prescription for a steroid? Is that steroid chlorbetasol? I'd see your doctor as soon as possible. Published 15 months ago I have the same! I'm having surgery to expose clitoris in 2 weeks..I'm scared about it but I'm so tired about careful, sometimes painful, tears if you move the wrong sex. I'll try the olive oil thing after I calm down the flare. I'm in Somerset UK. x Published 15 months ago Good luck, Vero. I'm in Victoria, Australia. Would you try olive oil first? It seems to be very useful. Published 15 months ago Hello! I actually started using olive oil last night after a horribly burned day. I had a nice bath and massaged it. I use it all the time after going to the bathroom and it feels very calm! I will continue and update a couple of days later. As for surgery, I have to have it as skin above my clitoris has merged since childhood. It's solid and I don't have any inner lip. I've lived with this for 35 years now, but apart from the merger, I didn't have any other symptoms. This year has been horrible, I had some yeast infections and suddenly lost my mother and suddenly started burning. I just remembered the itching in my childhood so I wasn't even sure what it was at first then my new gin confirmed LS. She saw how bad they merged and offered me to help him. I just want to experience sex without the constant fear of tearing my skin, which has been a given to me all my life. I'm married to my childhood girlfriend, he was the first and only man in my life. He's very kind to me, but all he takes is the wrong move and I tear it. I'll continue to use the oil after preventing this from happening again. Thank you so much for this great advice and being here. x Published 15 months ago That's so exciting. Thanks for sharing that. Thanks for being here too. It means a lot, doesn't it? Please keep me informed of how it goes. It's day 4 for me of the oil and has really changed my life. I'm not stinging anymore. I have other huge disorders in my life, including going back to Melbourne. Once I've settled, I'll find someone who can help me try to get rid of LS together. I guess the oil will only work as long as I keep using it. Good luck marrying your childhood girlfriend. I haven't had a couple for a few years so sex isn't a problem for me right now. All the best. X Published 15 months ago The best luck with the move, Australia sounds exciting, I've never been. I'll keep you informed about the operation. I'm day two with olive oil and it feels good so far. Best luck x Published 4 weeks ago Hi Vero, I have no idea if you're gonna get this as I can see that the post was a while ago, but I'm really interested in hearing how the surgery went and how you're taking with olive oil? Now I'm experiencing the fuse and I'm desperate to try to do what I can while it's still starting to stop it from getting worse. Published 3 years ago Great to hear experiences from different peoples and to be able to try them. Maggie x Published 3 years ago Join this discussion or start a new one? Report or request for deletion Thank you for your help! We want forums to be a useful resource for our users, but it is important to remember that forums are not moderate or revised by doctors and therefore should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users on respect any health matter. Always talk to your doctor before acting and in emergencies Appropriate medical care immediately. The use of forums is subject to our and action to eliminate identified posts like violating those terms. Our clinical information is certified to comply with the NHS England Information Standard. The patient aims to help the world proactively manage their health, providing evidence-based information on a wide range of health and medical issues to patients and health professionals.© Patient Platform Limited. 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What is the Best Treatment for Lichen Sclerosus? – Vuvatech
What is the Best Treatment for Lichen Sclerosus? – Vuvatech

4 products I use to control my LICHEN SCLEROSUS - YouTube
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Lisepten : Lichen Relief Salve with Coconut Oil: Amazon.co.uk: Health &  Personal Care
Lisepten : Lichen Relief Salve with Coconut Oil: Amazon.co.uk: Health & Personal Care

Body Therapy results - The Spunky Coconut
Body Therapy results - The Spunky Coconut

Natural Treatment for Lichen Sclerosus | Perrin Naturals
Natural Treatment for Lichen Sclerosus | Perrin Naturals

Coconut Oil for Lichen Sclerosus | Coconut oil for acne, Coconut oil for  dogs, Coconut oil for skin
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10 Home Remedies for Lichen Sclerosus - Healthy Focus
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Is this Lichen Sclerosus? Pics included | Lichen Sclerosus | Forums |  Patient
Is this Lichen Sclerosus? Pics included | Lichen Sclerosus | Forums | Patient

Lichen Sclerosus: A Roadmap to Treatment Beyond Steroids - Townsend Letter
Lichen Sclerosus: A Roadmap to Treatment Beyond Steroids - Townsend Letter

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3 skin products I use for my LICHEN SCLEROSUS - YouTube
3 skin products I use for my LICHEN SCLEROSUS - YouTube

Lichen Sclerosis: How to Heal It - Kindle edition by Cabot, Sandra. Health,  Fitness & Dieting Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.
Lichen Sclerosis: How to Heal It - Kindle edition by Cabot, Sandra. Health, Fitness & Dieting Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

Lisepten - Lichen Relief Salve with Jojoba - Lisepten
Lisepten - Lichen Relief Salve with Jojoba - Lisepten

Lichen Sclerosus: When it all Changed - Lichen Sclerosus & Vulval cancer UK  Awareness
Lichen Sclerosus: When it all Changed - Lichen Sclerosus & Vulval cancer UK Awareness

Lichen Sclerosus LS – Ann Foweraker
Lichen Sclerosus LS – Ann Foweraker

6 Amazing Essential Oils for Lichen Sclerosus and How to Use Them
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Lisepten – Lichen Relief Salve with Coconut Oil, 2oz - Cloverleaf Farm
Lisepten – Lichen Relief Salve with Coconut Oil, 2oz - Cloverleaf Farm

Natural Treatment for Lichen Sclerosus | Perrin Naturals
Natural Treatment for Lichen Sclerosus | Perrin Naturals

Lichen Sclerosus - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments | Emu Joy
Lichen Sclerosus - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments | Emu Joy

experiencing awful anal tears | Lichen Sclerosus | Forums | Patient
experiencing awful anal tears | Lichen Sclerosus | Forums | Patient

A Little-Known Skin Disease That Can Disrupt People's Sex Lives - The New  York Times
A Little-Known Skin Disease That Can Disrupt People's Sex Lives - The New York Times

How To Treat Phimosis Naturally? - Pristyn Care
How To Treat Phimosis Naturally? - Pristyn Care

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Patient Comments - Association for Lichen Sclerosus and Vulval Health
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Lichen sclerosus - Wikipedia
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Natural Treatment for Lichens Sclerosis - Alchemy Medicine
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Natural health: Lichen - a chronic skin disorder
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Lichen Planus Causes, Symptoms & 9 Natural Treatments - David Avocado Wolfe
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Lichen Planus + 9 Natural Ways to Treat This Nasty Rash - Dr. Axe
Lichen Planus + 9 Natural Ways to Treat This Nasty Rash - Dr. Axe

Natural Remedy: Lichen Sclerosus | Perrin Naturals
Natural Remedy: Lichen Sclerosus | Perrin Naturals

5 Best Essential Oils for Lichen Sclerosus - NaturallyDaily
5 Best Essential Oils for Lichen Sclerosus - NaturallyDaily

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